
Materials Science faculty visit ARL research facility
UNT materials faculty visit ARL as part of collaborative partnership
January 31, 2018 - Nearly a dozen professors from the University of North Texas toured the Weapons and Materials Manufacturing Directorate of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)...
UNT researchers create thin material
UNT researchers develop material that could lead to next-generation, ultra-thin electronic devices
January 30, 2018 - University of North Texas researchers in the College of Engineering’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering have created a uniform, thin, two-dimensional material that could...
UNT researchers discover new material
UNT researchers make discovery that could revolutionize the future of materials science engineering
January 8, 2018 - Researchers in the University of North Texas College of Engineering’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering have found a way to create an ultralight, highly heat-resistant, magnesium-...
Raj Banerjee
UNT professor awarded $900,000 Air Force grant to create new aircraft alloys
December 5, 2017 - The Air Force Office of Scientific Research has awarded University Distinguished Research Professor Raj Banerjee from the University of North Texas College of...
UNT Professor partners with colleague in India for bioimplant longevity research
UNT partnering with Indian Institute of Technology for bioimplant longevity research
November 16, 2017 - As the population age 65 and older in the U.S. – and the world – grows, so does the need for bioimplants, such as artificial knees and hips, dental prosthetics and cardiovascular...
MTSE students helping with Homecoming
SWE MTSE students help with homecoming welcome to faculty, students and alumni of CENG
November 5, 2017 - Each year, the Dean Costas Tsatsoulis selects a student organization to help out at the College of Engineering Homecoming Tailgate; and this year, it was none other than the Society of Women...
Xiaonan Lu at UNT Three Minute Thesis Competition
Materials Science graduate student wins UNT’s Three Minute Thesis Competition
November 5, 2017 - Department of Materials Science and Engineering student Xiaonan Lu was recently featured in the Denton Record-Chronicle for winning UNT’s Three Minute Thesis competition – a $3,000 award – and is now...
Jincheng Du
UNT Professor Organizes 2018 Glass and Optical Materials Conference
April 28, 2017 - Dr. Jincheng Du is organizer and Program Chair of the Glass & Optical Materials Division (GOMD) (American Ceramic society) annual meeting May 20-24, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas. This year’s...
